Going to Shoptalk? Don’t miss the True Fit Cabana

Rev up your approach to revenue, returns and retention – at pricing that works for your business. Schedule time with our leadership team to learn how.

March 16, 2023


While you’re in Vegas, join us in the True Fit Cabana: your retail innovation oasis. Catch some rays, sip on something refreshing – and get inspired with brand new ways to transform your business, at pricing that works for you.

By now you know True Fit to be the global authority on size and fit, as we’ve partnered with hundreds of retailers worldwide to make revenue soar, while driving down those pesky (and expensive) returns. 

At Shoptalk, the True Fit team is unveiling True Retention: a brand new platform designed to convert high-cost traffic into high-value loyalists – fast (we’re talking 30 days to get you up and running). 

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Escape the show floor to refresh, revive and rev up your approach to revenue, returns and retention. Book time to talk with Bill, Rob & Sarah, and we’ll be sure to have the smoothies ready. See you there!
