Visualize Shoppers Unique Fit Details with Enhanced Recommendations


December 3, 2020

Enhanced Recommendations power a richer user experience that helps consumers feel even more confident about their recommended fit and size recommendation, making them more likely to purchase items they will love and keep. With this integration, consumers can visualize how a garment will fit them in more detail so that they can make decisions with more data.


Enhanced Recommendations

Enhanced Recommendations are a more detailed version of standard size recommendations that include a personalized fit score, a visual representation of how the style will fit in specific points of measure, and the ability to see how sizing up or down will affect the item’s fit. 

In order to power Enhanced Recommendations, retailers must provide the specifications for that style.  This detailed set of fit data (the blueprint of the garment) is ingested by True Fit’s algorithm and added to the styles unique model.

By providing more data around individual garments, consumers can be served better recommendations that align with their unique preferences.